Workspace Security Assessment

Learn about Google Workspace's security features and how to use them properly in our Security Assessment!
Security Assessment Information

CLOUDPILOTS Security Assessment

Learn about the world-class security features of Google Workspace. Develop an understanding of the security of your company structure and improve it in your Google Workspace environment. This way, you will no longer make avoidable mistakes from within your own ranks.

Security in the Cloud is an important concern for us, which is why we offer the Workspace Security Assessment Workshop, a format standardized by Google to optimize security settings to meet the requirements of companies. The methodology of the workshop designed by Google is based on the project experience of the past years. The assessment is conducted by our experienced and certified Google Apps Deployment specialists. 

3 steps to easy security

Our Security Assessment Workshop supports you in analyzing security-relevant processes regarding your Google Workspace. The workshop is customized according to your requirements, but basically consists of the following three components.

1. Assess – Security Briefing

We talk together about security in Google Workspace and introduce you to the security architecture of Workspace. You will learn where security risks exist in the company, which new security features are available and the applicability of these features in your own work environment. The goal here is to give you a basic understanding of how to stay on the safe side for future projects in the Cloud. 

2. Educate – Security Assessment

Based on a "Security Checklist" we evaluate together the existing security measures of your Google Workspace environment. This includes e.g. the analysis of domain and service settings. It is also essential to observe whether your own employees know how to react in an emergency (virus, phishing). If this is not the case, there is the possibility of a customized training. Our experts will teach you everything you need to know about security in Google Workspace. How should settings be? How do I react if something goes wrong? And even more questions will be answered!

3. Execute & WrapUp – Documentation & Action Plan

CLOUDPILOTS establishes an action plan to see which security-related issues should be prioritized, offers best practices and recommends necessary next steps. In the WrapUp! the results are summarized and discussed, and the documentation of the changes made and recommended is handed over. You can refer to it at any time if you have questions or if new employees are hired who also need to be introduced to the security structures of Google Workspace.